The Greedy Dog
A dog was feeling very proud of himself. He had found a big, juicy bone at the market. He quickly carried it in his mouth and ran off to find a place to eat it. He came to a stream that had very clear water. It was a great time for him. He was thinking what a wonderful time he would have if he could eat the whole juicy bone by himself. Suddenly he looked down into the water. He saw a dog staring at him. The dog also had a big bone in his mount. He did not know that the dog in the water was his reflection. He thought, “That dog is bone looks bigger that mine. I ll grab his bone and run away as fast as I can!” First, he lay down bone, then he was taking preparations got that bone with retreat some step. But he did not think ‘that dog’ hidden with nimble, so that, ’that dog’ did not visible. “May be, he hidden because he did not saw my bone, while, he want got two bones too.” Then, he took his bone and advanced some step, he found ’that dog’ return to formerly position. He intend to straight of attack, but he found him self fall into stream. With all might, the greedy dog was swimming to stream side He did not got bone that he dream. And how about his bone? ,it washed away jountli stream. |